A comprehensive deliberation in Healing of the smallest entity of Physical body "Cell" to the innermost entity the sublime "Soul" through various Alternative Medicine Therapy methods.
Arogya se Divyata
A comprehensive discourse to Spirituality through Wholesome freedom from Sickness.
Vidhata’s Integrated Modern Vastu (English)
A modern and scientific approach to Vastu based on balancing the energy of 5 elements and overcoming the limitations of Indian Vastu, Fengshui and others.
Vidhata’s Integrated Modern Vastu (Hindi)
A book in Hindi for Modern and scientific approach to Vastu based on balancing the energy of 5 elements, while overcoming the limitations of Indian Vastu, Fengshui and others.
Vidhata’s Manochikitsa Ek Divya Dhristikone
A well-researched scientific textbook to understand the concepts of Hypnosis in management of various mind based and psychosomatic disorders.
Scientific Approach to Acupressure (English)
A scientific treatise on the fundamentals and its highly effective methodology for alleviating the sufferings of various diseases through Acupressure.
Acupressure Ek Vaigyanik Dhristikone (Hindi)
A book in Hindi giving a detailed scientific treatise on the fundamentals and its highly effective methodology for alleviating the sufferings of various diseases through Acupressure.
Vidhata’s Diabetes
A very enlightening book to effectively treat and manage Diabetes through various Alternative Medicine therapies.
Vidhata’s Divya Sandesh
A Magazine giving a brief outlook towards the various Alternative Medicine therapies that may help in the overall well-being.
Vidhata’s Gyan Manthan
A Magazine giving an overall brief introduction to the various therapies available in Alternative Medicine.